Thursday, November 11, 2010

Our Homeschooling year is going great! We started out a little rocky, but have found a middle path. That is often the way to health. My focus this year is to balance all the important aspects of our lives. As the mama, I want to guide my family towards physical, spiritual, and mental health and activities. So, here is a list of a few things I've done recently to help my family get more organic:

1. I purchased Vetiver essential oil, which is useful for calming impulsive tendencies, and made a beautiful smelling massage oil, which quickly became my new perfume. We are putting it on ourselves a few times daily to remind us to breathe, to relax, to focus, to just be.

2. I learned to knit. Finally, after 36 years. I've been watching friends for five years, and never could pick knitting up, until finally my eight year old daughter really wanted to learn. Thank God my Mother-in-law is a seamstress!! She showed us both, and hopefully, the rest will be history.

3. Back to no dairy. Mucous. Enough said.

4. Doll making. I am buying the materials from a reputable company that specializes in organic fabric and Waldorf style dolls. I read a book called Kinder Dolls, which a friend loaned me, and hope to have a doll done within a few months. I am giving myself a lot of time to learn this craft.

With Thanksgiving coming in two weeks, I am looking up some raw, vegan recipes for our homeschool coop and for our own home's festivities. I have a realistic goal of making my first batch of lye soap for our holiday gifts, which means I must get moving on that also.

So, if you don't hear from me, this is why.